Friday, January 25, 2013

Questions in my Mind

I am busy doing my stuff in my desk when I heard my friends talking about death.  In some sense I hate talking about it, cause I’m afraid to die, but then some questions are build in my mind after hearing their conversation. What if I die? Will I also see the paradise that the priests are talking about when they are preaching in the mass? Or fire will welcome me the moment I open my eyes? Have you ever ask yourself about this?
Well, one of my friends asked me, “Why is it that you’re so active in the church? Why? Are you trying to build a castle in heaven?”, I laugh after hearing it. Do I? I think no. I just wanted prove that there’s really a paradise in heaven, but of course, I can only prove that after I die but I have my own idea of how that paradise will look like. Just like the pictures above.

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